Al's Audio



People have the clocks but nature controls the time. In thinking about the future, we need to think in terms of the real future instead of the fake future. The fake future is what the current political and economic elites want you to believe. They want you to believe that there's this wonderful little life out there for you and that you are going to have this wonderful time provided that you go along with the system that keeps them in power and if you're extra nice - they might let you be in power too. Isn't that wonderful?

But that's a fake future, that's not real, that's not going to happen. It's something that's never going to exist. Their promises are lies and these people are not even going to be able to save themselves in terms of what's coming. What's coming is not all that hard to figure out. All the scientists of the world show that what is been built is a fraud. It can't do what they claim to do. It's like a consumer product that doesn't work. Now this product isn't just not going to work, this product is toxic and it's going to kill very large numbers of people. It's alreadIy killings huge numbers of nonhumans, but they don't vote so their death is considered to be acceptable. It's only when huge numbers of people start getting killed that the political situation will become much more difficult for those in power.


You see, large numbers of people are going to be killed no matter what. That's that's a frame of reference. If you look at the green revolution, if you look at all the stuff that's discussed on our website, large numbers of people are going to be killed. Now that in itself is going to stimulate a great deal of turmoil. It's also going to make the use of mass motor by those in power all that much more politically acceptable. It's a world in which violence will become more and more acceptable. At the same time the need for environmental reform will increase the need for a reign of terror conducted by the state. It will increase the need for a centralization of power


Technology is a double-edged sword. We've seen all the fairytales that because of the Internet a dictatorship can never happen and that if you have a Facebook page you can bring down the government and so on; You don't need worry about the government being authoritarian. This is a again part of a set of delusions to keep people quiet and to believe in a fake future - a false future - a phony future - a fraudulent future that's never going to happen. One of the reasons we recommend people get out into the depths of nature, or listen to some of the music that we have listed on our site, or watch some of the videos is to connect to a subconscious reality that filters out all the junk that's been put in your head. It's like the red pill in the matrix. It's to filter out all the garbage and focus on the grim reality of what's coming.


The media as we discussed from our very founding - the power of the media - the power of the Internet enables a dictator to become more powerful, not less powerful. The leaders who will emerge will be very charismatic leaders who can communicate in a very hypnotic manner and the Internet will enable these people to build up supporters and come to power sooner rather than later. In the study for example of Nazi Germany, people forget that the Gestapo was a very very small organization, there was really no need for a big secret police. The Stasi in East Germany was 20 times the size of the Gestapo as a percentage of the population. The concentration camps prior to Kristallnacht were largely empty. Why? Because Hitler had such a hypnotic hold over the population.


In times of political crisis, people look for a savior. They tend to be more susceptible to religious cults and this is a key factor in the coming totalitarian regimes that will come to power: the ability to tap cell phones for example - the ability to tap phones via computers is enormously increased. The power of the state is enormously increased via technology. So you need to filter out of your head all the garbage that just because of the Internet life is going to be happy happy and so on. This is junk that's sold to you by your leaders to make you think that things are going to be okay. However as we mentioned in today's world, the Internet does give you an opportunity to communicate, that is true. But where is all this going? We need to think in terms of where all this is going in terms of the emerging lords of the earth and these people will use art, they will use music to keep themselves in power.




An interesting question relating to what's coming is the geographic structure of the emerging totalitarian states. What will happen where? This is not clear. In the case of America, you could simply have a Civil War. The fantasy that "well we don't have to worry about totalitarianism because people are going to object" is a kind of thinking that just shows how screwed up the level of thinking in many Western countries is. This was tried in ancient Rome. They clung to the Republican until the end. The result was just an ever deepening spiral of disaster and death. That's why Augustus Caesar was welcomed as such a hero, because there is an inevitable movement towards the centralization of power. If this is delayed, you're likely to have an even bigger bloodbath and an even more brutal dictator come to power.


The issue of the religious structure of what's coming is related to the geographic structure of what's coming. We see a demise of Christianity, but this is not 100% clear. What is clear, is that there will be the opportunity for emerging political cults to supersede established religions or to co-op them. The details of which - that's an interesting question - I think that cannot be sorted out right now. But what can be sorted out is the need for an enormous concentration of power and to make the tough decisions to save the planet. All dissent may need to be crushed, because in a total crisis situation there will be a need to get things done no matter what. The paradox facing the totalitarian regimes is that they don't ossify themselves as the former Soviet Union did. There is a paradox. There is an internal contradiction here which will need to be resolved by these governments, because there still is a need for a certain amount of open debate and the role of the Internet in that is unclear. That's a paradox which we have not totally clarified - nobody else has because hardly anybody else is thinking about the collapse of the system. The assumption is "well the system will have problems, but we'll go on having elections and somehow this will be just be wonderful." That's BS and that's not going to happen. But it's important that we continue these lectures and look back in history at all previous dictators to get a creative vision of what's to come.